Home Advantage with Kelly Warren

What is Pending?

What is Pending?

Kate explains what PENDING means when you see it on a house listing.
Kitchen Tips

Kitchen Tips

Lauren learns a few new ideas in kitchen design with Kate Oesch from Birkshire-Hathaway Home Services.
Home Exterior Improvements

Home Exterior Improvements

Kate and Lauren check out the exterior improvements that can be made when renovating a home.
Open House Pros & Cons

Open House Pros & Cons

Kate Oesch gives Mike the details on open houses.
Securing Home Financing

Securing Home Financing

Kate Oesch from Birkshire-Hathaway Realty discusses how and when to get financing when buying a new home.
Checking The Basement

Checking The Basement

Chad takes us to the basement and explains what to look for when buying a home.
Living Rooms and Bathrooms

Living Rooms and Bathrooms

Chad explains the importance of checking out features in the living room and bathroom.
In The Kitchen

In The Kitchen

Chad Cromer discusses what to look for in the kitchen when buying a home.
First Impressions Outside

First Impressions Outside

Chad Cromer points out the advantages and possible pitfalls of a home on the outside.
Market Tips

Market Tips

Join Mike & Chad Cromer as Chad shares valuable real estate tips and discusses the state of the current market.
